It's been an honor to serve in a leadership role in several capacities over the years, some of which are the following: 
Lewiston City Council Member • 2014-2018

• Elected at 18 as the youngest elected official in Idaho's history 

• Headed the council by drafting and proposing the ninth non-discrimination ordinance in Idaho, protecting the LGBTQ community from discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations 

• Helped develop and allocate a $64 million dollar budget in order to successfully support constituents and their vision for the city 
Serve Idaho, The Governor's Commission on Service and Volunteerism • 2015-2021

• Appointed by Governor Otter in 2015 to serve as the youth and local government representative; reappointed in 2017

• Elected unanimously by fellow commissioners as vice chair in 2016 and chair in 2017, the youngest ever in commission history, where I oversaw the drafting and implementation of a new strategic plan and a successful round of grant applications and awards 

• Facilitated three-year state service plan creation & oversaw a successful AmeriCorps grant application process as chair

• Lobbied on behalf of national and community service on Capitol Hill for increased funding for state service commissions 
Idaho Democratic Party Vice Chair • 2016-2022

• Elected unanimously in 2016 and 2018 and was reelected with 60% of the Central Committee's votes in 2020 serving as the youngest member of IDP leadership in history

• Worked to recruit candidates up and down the ticket all across Idaho to ensure we build a bench for future elections 

• Successfully joined fellow state party leadership across the country in fighting for increased funding for state parties from the DNC

Association of State Democratic Committees Executive Committee Member • 2019-2021

• Elected unanimously by the Western Region States in 2019 to serve as the Western Region Vice Chair 
• Work with fellow board members in the 
decision-making process to bring forward information, topics of discussion, and plans for the future of state parties to the full ASDC body

Idaho District 6 Chair • 2014-2018

• Elected by the District 6 Central Committee to serve as chair in 2014

• Recruited candidates to run for every office in the 2014, 2016, and 2018 elections from county office to state legislature

• Provided candidates with best practices, training, and consulting on running for their given office

Boards & Volunteerism
Eugene Parks Foundation • Board Member • 2022-Present
Idaho's Hall of Fame • Board Member • 2014-Present
Lewiston Library Foundation • Liaison • 2014-2018